Doge Dash LP Staking — How to stake guide
In this article, we will explain how you can participate in the staking programs Doge Dash offers.
Step 1: Buy DogeDash
Step 2: Pair DogeDash with BNB on PancakeSwap
Step 3: Stake on
Step 4: how to withdraw and get your funds back.
Pair DogeDash with BNB on PancakeSwap
Before you can begin staking you will need to pair DogeDash with BNB on PancakeSwap. You can simply press on the link in the staking pools. If you first need to buy BNB, you can do this from an exchange like Binance, KuToken, or Mandala, then send it to your Metamask browser wallet using the BEP20 Binance Smart Chain protocol. Once you have some BNB (Binance Token), connect your wallet to Pancakeswap using the contract address:
CONTRACT ADDRESS:0x7ae5709c585ccfb3e61ff312ec632c21a5f03f70
or by clicking this link directly where the token will be added for you.
Tokens Received, Now Get LP Staking!
Now that you have purchased some tokens, you can enjoy earning those sweet rewards in the Doge Dash staking pools. There are 15 day, 30 day and 60-day pools available. Each of the staking pool options allows users to lock their tokens into smart contracts for a fixed period so that they can earn their rewards in the form of DOGE DASH tokens. The longer you decide to hold your tokens in the different pools, the bigger the rewards.
Once the term of the contract is complete, the “harvest” button will appear and allow you to claim your original stake plus the accumulated rewards.
We have contracted Solidity finance to perform an audit on the farming contract, you can find their findings here.